Testimony of Pastor Jeff Barbieri


I began my pastoral ministry in 1983 while still a seminary student. I had wonderful training in seminary and over the years I have continued to study and to improve my ministry skills. But, it is the message of God’s grace for a believer that has had the greatest impact in my life and ministry. I am indebted to many different grace teachers, the foremost being Dr. Charles Solomon and the ministry of Grace Fellowship International. So, it is a great honor for me to share how the message of God’s grace has influenced my personal life and ministry.

The Message of Grace In My Personal Life

I came to faith in Christ in 1978 as a man full of sin and dominated by the flesh. I was insecure and angry. I coped with those feelings by excelling in athletics and the martial arts. At my conversion, I experienced a measure of victory over sin, but many expressions of the flesh were deeply seated and still dominant in my life. In 1981 I entered Northwest Baptist Seminary in Tacoma Washing- ton. I did well in seminary, but my academic success was due in a large part to my Type A personality, self-discipline and structure. Because seminary work was done with my relying on my own strength, I found it to be frustrating and fatiguing.

My first ministries during and after seminary were positive. However, much of my ministry was carried out in my own strength. When things went well I was fine emotionally; when criticism or conflict came I was devastated. I believed that my value as a person and before God was based on how well I did, how far the church ministry progressed and how much others loved and accepted me. As you can imagine I was not a “happy camper” most of the time.

Early in 1992, when I was planting a church in Carmel Indiana, I was deeply frustrated. The church had hit a plateau at 100 in attendance. It seemed that no matter what I did I could not get the church to break this plateau. I was very bitter at some of the church families for not caring enough to be committed to Jesus’ work. I was miserable. It was during this period that I was exposed to Bible teaching about the grace of God in the Christian’s life. This teaching stressed the truths of grace and the New Covenant. I learned that Jesus did not die just for my sins, but that he rose again to give me His very life. I learned that the “positional” truths (as they were called in seminary) of being God’s child, having Jesus’ righteous- ness and being fully forgiven and completely accepted in Christ, were a practical and present reality! This fuller teaching of the grace of God became transformational in my life. Rejection was no longer a sledge hammer in the head, but rather a mosquito bite on the arm. I was no longer dependent on the evaluation of others or in the outcome of ministry for my value because I was seen by God as holy and blameless before Him in love (Eph. 1:4). My true identity in Christ had become a precious and powerful reality!

In 1996 I left the church in Indiana healthy and growing (today it is a vibrant church of over 400) so that I could return to a calling that God had put upon my heart many years previously—planting a church in my home state of New Jersey. God greatly blessed our efforts in New Jersey, growing our church plant quickly to 90 people. In June of 1997 God lead us to merge with an established church and the Lord brought a further measure of revival. Hundreds accepted Christ from 1997 to November of 2003 and our attendance grew to almost 400 on Sunday mornings.

Though I was experiencing the power of my identity in Christ and joyfully sharing it with others, I was still living much of my life in my own strength. My new found identity in Jesus gave me great peace and motivation, but it did not give me the power to defeat the forces of indwelling sin and the flesh patterns of self sufficiency that I had groomed for years. I confessed to the church publicly that much of the work had been done by my personal strength and that I was not abiding in Christ. As a result, I was not full of joy, but frustration and bitterness. Many in the congregation accepted my confession, while others used it against me. These former leaders continually stirred up conflict regarding my ministry and qualifications for being the pastor. After six months of such conflict I resigned a broken man.

Several months passed and I was continually struggling with the events that unfolded. One January day in 2004, as I walked my dog in the frigid cold, I asked God to just “vaporize me.” My hopes, vision and family were crushed. I did find a measure of relief in reminding myself of my identity in Christ but the rejection was too much to bear. I was headed for a dark place. I shared my struggle with a friend who was familiar with the ministry of Grace Fellowship International and I contacted Dr. John Woodward. John counseled me over the phone and recommended that I read Hand- book to Happiness, by Dr. Charles Solomon. Through my reading I realized that, in addition to my identity in Christ, I also needed to have my identification with Christ fully in His death, resurrection, and ascension. Through the ministry of GFI I was able to interpret the rejection at the church as God’s tool to bring my self sufficiency to light so that It could be dealt with at the cross of Jesus. It was through the ministry of GFI that I learned that Jesus did not only die on the cross for my sins, but that I also died with Him and that His life was being lived through me. (Gal. 2:20, Rom. 6:1-14)

The truths of God’s grace, not just for justification, but also for sanctification, have become precious to me and central in my teaching and preaching. The reality of the cross of Christ and His resurrected life in me are the foundation for my life of victory in the ministry of Grace Christian Church that was planted in April of 2004.

The Message of Grace In My Ministry

Early in 2004, several leading Christian men approached me about leading them to plant a grace centered church. These men had been under my teaching and were also experiencing change and victory in their lives due to the reality of their identity and identification with Jesus. Like me, these men had seen the futility of religion and legalism and desired a church organized with grace teaching as the foundation. That desire came to fruition and Grace Christian Church was planted. The impact of teaching the reality of Jesus’ life in and through believers, as experienced in the cross and resurrection, has been manifested in our ministry in many ways. Allow me to share three major ministries that have been greatly affected by the grace centered focus.

The ministry of preaching and teaching is transformed when the grace of God is the focus. Much of the preaching and teaching of today calls believers to God’s standards of obedience, godliness and service, without first providing God’s resources for achieving these goals. People come to Christ broken. Adam’s sin, their own sin and the sin of others against them has devastated every person. Grace centered, Christ centered and cross centered teaching addresses these core issues! This focus on preaching and teaching moves away from symptom based teaching to addressing the core issues that truly repair people in Christ. Believers who know Christ as life experience healing in His full forgiveness and acceptance. They are motivated by love and no longer need to be beat over the head with the Bible. They are given the power to win the battle over sin (Rom. 6:1-14) and to serve in Christ’s love (Eph. 3:16-19, John 14:21). Grace centered preaching and teaching moves believers from doing in order to be to being in order to do.

Grace centered preaching and teaching helps the believer to make sense of the broken world and to not deny trials to pursue prosperity. Rather, it equips believers to more fully embrace the sorrows of life from God’s perspective, putting the believer on the path to true spiritual prosperity.

The ministry of body life is enriched by the grace message. Grace Christian is also a cell based church. That means that our church family gathers for worship on Sunday and then meets in home groups throughout the week. We have found that those believers with whom the life of Jesus is a working reality, worship in joy and sincerity on Sunday. Because they are full of gratitude and love, praise and worship are natural expressions of their faith. When they gather in their home cell group, intimacy and care do not need to be manufactured or stimulated by small group leadership techniques. These believers are secure in Christ and thus able to be transparent before others. They are Christ centered and not self centered so they desire to extend themselves to others in ministry. Leading a church where the entire leadership team and many in the church body have come to know the reality of Christ as life, makes the leading of the church like the joy of leading a family instead of a religious organization. Conflict at Grace Christian is the exception and not the rule!

The ministry of counseling is revolutionized. I don’t consider myself a counselor, my gifts lie in the public presentation of the Word. However, I have been through the counseling training at GFI and it has revolutionized counseling in our church. This is because GFI teaches a model of counseling that is consistent with the biblical view of man. It addresses the spiritual core issues in a simple yet compete manner. It contains four sequential stages that move the counselee from salvation, to identification with Christ, to spiritual warfare issues and then into discipleship. The counseling model of GFI is not designed to ‘pull the head of the dandelion’, but rather to cut the root out. This training is reproducible and today we have a host of equipped believers in our church who minister to our body.

The Christian life and ministry are often referred to as a war- fare (Eph. 6:10-17). Unfortunately, pastors and entire churches are the first casualties. The studies show that the majority of churches are declining and full of conflict. This cannot be what Jesus envisioned for His church. That has led many to realize that the model of church in use is broken. Unfortunately, the answer for some is better marketing, new paradigms and programs. But a change in church form and function will do little to revive the church. That is true because the core issues are spiritual. If you are tired, broken, frustrated, and are looking for a better way to not only survive but flourish in ministry, then I would encourage you to do what I did, contact GFI for training and counseling. There is a better way, it is Jesus’.

Jeff Barbieri serves as Lead Pastor at Mountain View Bible Church in Pennsylvania. He is the author of Christ-Centered Living (a discipleship study available on Amazon.com)

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We Where There


Saved or lost
We’re at the Cross,
In Him victorious
Or suffering loss.
We’re there by faith
In Him crucified,
Or in Adam’s life
Piercing Jesus’ side.

The choice is ours
As Adam’s kin;
Receive the Savior
Or die in our sin.
Our debt He paid,
From the Cross forgave;
We receive His life
Or remain Sin’s slave.

Charles R. Solomon

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Counselee Testimony


I am glad you have asked me to sit and reflect on my emotions over the past 6 months. Otherwise I would have gotten up after our conversation and run around tonight with [my child] getting him ready for bed right away. However, I think it is very beneficial for me to reflect on my emotions. 

As I mentioned … around mid-February I was getting very nervous. I said to you I am worried that I won’t have the strength to get through it [a business project] . I expected that I would become overwhelmed and stressed out, which would lead to my heart palpitations and feelings of fatigue like it had before. I was doubting God, and doubting the exchanged life. I had come so far since November, but yet so much of that time I was able to take it easy and spend time with the Lord and consume his word and memorize Scripture, etc. What happens when the [business picks up]? [My husband] will be going back to work soon and the responsibility of caring for [our child] will be all mine. Can I do this? Am I strong enough? Is God really here helping me?

Fast forward to April 16th. The majority of the [work activities] to be done are done… I have to stop and think about that. What?? I made it through [busy] season? Didn’t I just a couple of days ago face my fears and drive MYSELF into town and go into MULTIPLE places, banks and grocery stores and Walmart? I felt the comfort of God while I was out like he was with me. I didn’t experience my usual panic attacks, I felt confident and secure. I walked with God. I shouldn’t be feeling like this after everything I have gone through.

Little did I know what God had planned for me when I expressed to you [counselor] that I was worried about [increased business ] season. I didn’t know that I would be in extreme pain and spend multiple days and nights in the emergency room. I didn’t know I would be having multiple ultrasounds, and MRI, blood work. I didn’t know the result of all of that testing would be that I have a large ovarian cyst that need to be removed and that it may be cancerous. I didn’t know that not only I, … and entire family would come into contact with COVID and be sick for 2 weeks. If I knew all of this I would have said there is no away I could survive this.

Here I am, a survivor. But not just a survivor, stronger and more joyful and peaceful than I have ever been in my whole life. I can’t help but think if I can survive the last few months, I can survive anything. Yet not I, but Christ. 😊

I don’t believe I have cried at any of our 9-10 sessions previously. But I cried tonight. Overwhelmed by the love and power and loyalty of God and what he did on that cross. Easter is much more meaningful to me this year, and I will forever experience Easter, and every day, from a very different perspective. “Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” and He is in us. What is there to fear?

Thank you for the counselling and support this evening. 

Peace and love!A. (Canada)

To a GFI certification-in-process Exchanged Life Counselor

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Will the Church Lead the World?

by Dr. Charles R. Solomon

Our country’s ills today
Are a reflection of the church;
Since the old paths are forsaken,
Both Church and country search.

Both have left foundations,
With human wisdom in ascendance;
Only as His way is sought
Will we know transcendence.

When the Church gives an uncertain sound,
Those within and without face confusion:
Decades of fleshly living
Make substitute answers an illusion.

The Church has left its first love
With most ministry in human strength;
In allowing the arm of the flesh to fail,
God will go to any length.

Our country’s Founders honored God
With scriptural principles their guide;
But the pattern of recent generations
Dictates those principles be denied.

This has resulted in makeshift answers
To the major problems created;
The same wisdom which enslaved,
And growing problems are unabated

So long as we ignore God’s commands
We can’t expect His intervention;
When He is excluded from public life
And His Name is forbade mention.

Like it or not, He’s in control,
With His blessing or judgment invited;
The Church, too, has drifted from Him
So that His love is unrequited.

If the Church is going to lead
Then, it must no longer follow;
Having been influenced by the world
It does in its own strength wallow.

Regaining its position of leadership
Will require a completed Reformation;
Only as it repents of self-dependence
Will we see regular transformation.

With transformation the rule, not exception,
The world will begin to take notice;
As human wisdom and strength are denied,
It will have reason for which to note us.

If the Church is to have respect,
It must practice what it preaches;
The Spirit must move within its ranks
Before the world it reaches.

The cross must become preeminent,
If human strength is to be supplanted;
Only so it is qualified to lead
So that respect from the world is granted.

The world is cloaked in darkness
With the Light of the World extinguished;
Only as the Church shows Jesus as Lord
Will light from darkness be distinguished.

As the darkness continues to deepen,
The Church must provide the contrast;
When it loses its life to save it,
It will have fulfilled its mission at last!

C. R. Solomon
May 4, 2012

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A Testimony

A counselee’s social media post of March, 6, 2022

I know I don’t post much on here, but some things are just too good not to share. Things that, if you aren’t so chubby and out of shape, you’d sprint up the nearest mountain and shout out for the whole world to hear!

God isn’t a genie in a lamp. When you accept Jesus into your heart, He doesn’t ‘poof’ away your problems and pain. In fact, you find that you’ve just been sent to the frontline of the battle for your mind. And while the war is already won, the battles can still be bloody. The new creation in you strives to break free from your old nature [flesh], while your old nature tries to hold you back with chains to your past. And if you try to fight yourself, all in your own strength, it inevitably leaves you in the wake as collateral damage – weary, frustrated, despondent.

I started going to spiritual counseling eight months ago. Even though I was saved, I was still experiencing manifestations of my bondage. Panic attacks, though certainly less frequent, still wracked my body. Suicidal thoughts would still creep in. And the ever-present nightmares I’ve had for as long as I can remember were leaving me perpetually exhausted. I could barely complete my work shifts, let alone have energy for other activities I enjoy. What I needed more than a sage on a stage was a guide on the side to help me navigate the murky waters of my newfound faith [saved in 2019]. And that’s exactly what God blessed me with through Grace Fellowship International.

The way my counselor has walked me through the Gospel and helped me reckon on the truth of God’s Word has revolutionized how I view my identity in Christ. His kindness, gentleness, and the safe atmosphere he creates allows me to be vulnerable and open up about things in my past like I never have before. We’ve been able to delve down to the very root causes of my suffering instead of focusing on treating symptoms like in traditional psychotherapy and psychiatry. And you know what? In doing that, the symptoms resolve on their own.

A few weeks ago, my counselor supported me in undertaking The Seven Steps to Freedom in Christ. That journey was utterly gut-wrenching at times, but it delivered exactly what it touted: freedom. Freedom from pain, anger, and bitterness I didn’t realize I was still suppressing. Freedom from deception and lies that were preventing me from claiming the victory Jesus already bought with his blood on the cross. Freedom from my past. Freedom to live my present.

We finished the steps on February 18th with a celebratory cup of hot cocoa. Since then, my nightmares have cleared up and I’ve started having good dreams. That said, my sleep is more restorative than it’s ever been, and my energy levels have skyrocketed. I’m not just surviving anymore, I’m thriving!

Hallelujah! Glory to God! So grateful my Abba, the Great Physician, still works miracles!

Here’s the kicker: I had an appointment with my psychiatrist four days before we embarked on this spiritual endeavor during which he prescribed me a new medication to try to alleviate my nightmares after I told him my sleep was still terrible and I was tired of being so tired all the time. I didn’t start taking the medication because I knew my counselor and I were about to take these steps of faith and I was excited to see what God could do first. (Okay, and I’m just stubborn and on enough meds already, haha.) Regardless, the need for that medication is gone .

If you’re struggling and need some help, hope, and healing beyond what the world can provide, let me tell you about my Jesus.

– L.B.

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Depression–Care or Cure?

by Dr. Charles Solomon

When all seems black and hopeless
And we can only see one hue,
It is time to turn to Jesus
And see what He can do!

When molehills become mountains
And we despair even of living, (Rom. 7:24)
We’re candidates for the Spirit’s working
And the blessing He delights in giving!

We may have tried all human help
Given with the best of intention,
But we are disappointed to the max
With approaches that are man’s invention!

But the matters that rule the soul
Are beyond human intervention;
Human therapy falls short of the mark
Though administered with great compassion.

Depression gets labeled mental illness
Though it is a problem of the heart;
When shown there is a spiritual answer,
The eyes with teardrops start!

Depression is not to be taken lightly
Since suicidal thoughts may beckon;
But death is the only way out (Gal. 2:20)
As our death with Christ we reckon! (Rom. 6:11)

Resurrection life is the grand result
Since the indwelling Christ now lives;
As He takes His rightful role,
The mind of Christ He gives! (Phil. 2:5)

Since resurrection life is our victory,
The haunts of depression must go!
To the consternation of world’s approaches
They must concede the Church is in the know!

All glory goes to our LORD
Since relief from depression He gives;
As He turns depression into joy,
And His victorious life He lives!

Dedicated to my mom, Emma Ruth Solomon

Charles R. Solomon
September 15, 2018

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One Nation Above God

by Dr. Charles Solomon

As our country sinks more deeply
Into the world where Satan rules,
We’re likely to be governed
By those the Word calls fools! (Ps. 53:1)
We have capitulated as a Church
To the humanistic onslaught;
With a weak Church and revisionist history
The young are between Truth and falsehoods caught!

With absolutes being ridiculed
And the Church not teaching transformation,
We are desperately in need
Of a completed Reformation!
Justification by faith was needed
By the Church of Luther’s day;
But now we are just as needy
For sanctification by faith to hold sway!

The world will not respect a Church
That’s a country club for saints;
So it must become enticing
To those who are the ‘ain’ts’!
The younger generations
Are fascinated with spiritual power,
But they are not discerning
Of the sources from which it flowers!

Irresponsibility is the watch word
With ‘entitlements’ all but sacrosanct,
With many wanting something for nothing
Until from dependency they are yanked!
Government is to supply their needs
With their not contributing their share;
But who will replenish the pot
For all of such burdens to bear?

A ‘caretaker’ government is enticing,
But it leads to a dependent mentality;
When the government can’t be nursemaid,
We will be forced to face Reality!
It is difficult to grow up as adults,
When forced to be responsible;
God will be the only recourse
To make a dependency shift possible!

Living out of self resources
Will expose bankruptcy for all to see
Crucified with Christ, the only option,
Efficacious for time and eternity!
But the Church must pave the way
With transformed lives the norm,
Resurrection life to the world shown
With righteousness a walk—not a form! (2 Tim. 3:5)

composed in July, 2013

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The Wonderful Country That Was

‘Tis twilight in our nation;
The Light of the world is shunned.1
If our country is to survive,
There is much work to be done.

We’re past the point of no return;
Man’s effort is of no avail.
Unless we heed God’s warning,
We’re bound to utterly fail.

Humbling ourselves seems un-American–
Our forte has been our pride;
But going our own willful way
Is the reason Jesus died.

Attacks from without and decay within
Couple to expose our weakness;
The futility of carnal weapons
Is underscored with bleakness.

With war clouds on the horizon,
We survey the ominous scene;
The situation that surrounds us
Holds little that is serene.

As the turbulence mounts its fury 2
And the world longs for peace,
Only those who walk with God
Will have a Refuge for release.

The toys we have around us 3
Will suddenly lose their meaning,
When our nice world falls apart
And for necessities we are gleaning.

Will we find extended hands
As the conflict we do weather?
Or, will we suffer in isolation
Not having learned to pull together?

Jesus beckons His yoke to take 4
And come unto Him and find rest;
Many of us ignore His pleading,
Only responding when sore distressed.

World conditions are fertile soil
To get mankindís attention;
Many will rail that God is unfair
Though the problemís manís invention.
When man’s resources are exhausted

And he has been brought to his knees,
The Savior, His arms extended still,Says,
“Those who will, come unto me”. 5
He is waiting to cleanse your sin. 6

To quell the storm it causes;
There is yet a little time,
whileBy His grace and love,
He pauses.

Soon will come the trumpet sound 7
And the shout from the Eastern sky;
Come to Him without delay
For your redemption draweth nigh.8

He offers pardon for your sins–
His life in exchange for yours;
You lose your life to save it 9
As peace and purpose He ensures.

Charles R. Solomon

1 John 8:12
2 John 16:33
3 Luke 12:15
4 Matthew 11:28,29
5 Matthew 11:28a
6 1 John 1:7,9
7 1 Thessalonians 4:16
8 Luke 21:28
9 Matthew 16:25

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Tribute to Charles Solomon, by Lee LeFebre

I owed a great deal to Chuck! In 1974 I joined the Grace Fellowship International staff when he really didn’t need me.

I attended the first conference that GFI had out at Glen Erie, in Colorado Springs. In 1972, alone in Grand Rapids, as the head of psychological services at a residential facility for teens, I was so impressed that the psychotherapy world was teaching ‘another’ gospel (me included) in the place I worked, as well as in churches, that it drove me to the end of myself. I bowed my head, got on my knees and abandoned my entire life to the Lord! Two nights later He filled me with His presence. Not until someone gave me Handbook to Happiness did I know what had happened to me! I called Chuck and he invited me to come to Denver, so I went and stayed with Chuck and Sue a couple of nights.

When I returned from Denver, I went into passivity. Two years later, Chuck said to me on the phone that nothing would please him more than if God allowed us to work together. I sold my home (interest rates were 14%) and quit my job. But a few days before we moved, a man came to buy the house with cash! That was a confirmation of God‘s leading. Betty and I, with four little boys, came to Denver. GFI didn’t need me then (they had Harry Bearce and another psychologist) but Chuck believed God was in this. Six months later, I received my first paycheck of $50. God took our family down to one last dollar before money for us came in! We didn’t raise support in those days; finances taught us to trust in God alone.

Anyway, we worked together for 12 years—12 great years! …
With love and gratitude,
Lee and Betty LeFebre

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Tribute to Charles Solomon, by John Woodward

In about 1985 I found Handbook to Happiness in a bookstore Montreal, Quebec where I was serving as an associate pastor. God used it greatly in my life and changed the trajectory of my pastoral counseling. When I told my father about the value of Chuck’s books, he replied that Chuck and Sue were personal friends who had been in their home in Atlanta! Small world.

Fast forward to 1996 when I was a pastor in southern Ontario. Chuck and Sue were driving through the area, stopped at our home, and had a impactful visit with us. That led to Linda and I attending the GFI workshop in Tennessee. I sensed a call on my life to specialize in exchanged life counseling and welcomed Chuck as my counseling mentor. A few years later Chuck asked me to accompany him to Bucharest, Romania to co-teach the GFI conference there. During those two mission trips God knit our hearts together for the cause of proclaiming the message of the Cross in discipleship and counseling.

It has been such a privilege to serve full-time at Grace Fellowship with him for these past 19 years, to defend, develop, and deploy Spirituotherapy internationally. I’ll be forever grateful for the ‘wisdom of Solomon’. I had many ‘history lessons’ from Chuck about his personal life and ministry. As we continued to see life transformations in counseling, we would stand humbled and amazed at how God was faithful to change people’s lives through His gracious Word and Spirit.

This past week a Christian leader compared Chuck’s role of pioneering exchanged life counseling to Martin Luther and the Reformation. I recall hearing about Chuck‘s comment to his academic advisor during his doctoral program at University of Northern Colorado– Chuck was “developing a discipline that would replace psychotherapy!”  This pioneering work took a lot of courage and tenacity, as it did for Luther’s Reformation work. Both had to endure harsh criticism; Luther, because he protested the conventional false teachings of  the Christendom of his day. Chuck was criticized by those who held other views about the role of psychology, the model of man, or the method of sanctification. But both of these leaders have been vindicated by God’s Word and the legacy of their ministries.

Another Christian leader I compare Chuck to is Sam Shoemaker. “Shoemaker (who died in 1963) served as a pastor in New York City and Pittsburgh. He was instrumental in establishing the spiritual foundation for Alcoholics Anonymous, particularly the need to turn to God as a way of coming out of alcoholism. Rev. Shoemaker, toward the end of his life, wrote the poem ‘I Stand by the Door’ as an apology for his ministry.” Here is the first part of it:

I stand by the door.
I neither go too far in, nor stay too far out,
The door is the most important door in the world—
It is the door through which people walk when they find God.
There’s no use my going way inside, and staying there,
When so many are still outside, and they, as much as I,
Crave to know where the door is.
And all that so many ever find
Is only the wall where a door ought to be.
They creep along the wall like those who are blind.
With outstretched, groping hands,
Feeling for a door, knowing there must be a door,
Yet they never find it . . .
So I stand by the door…”

Whereas Sam Shoemaker stood near the ‘door’ of evangelism, Chuck stood by the bank of the Jordan River to help defeated, struggling believers to cross over and discover their identification with Christ. As Handbook to Happiness points out, crossing the Red Sea symbolizes redemption, wandering in the wilderness illustrates the self-life condition, and crossing the Jordan represents the believer discovering and appropriating his or her co-death and co-resurrection with Christ. The Promised Land is a picture of the Abundant life that God intended, with Christ living the abundant life in and through us as we abide in Him.

This aspect of the gospel is usually overlooked and desperately needed for personal renewal, corporate revival, and societal awakening. Chuck described his focus on the deeper meaning of the cross in Galatians 2:20 as ‘playing a one string banjo’. Evangelist Luis Palau informed Chuck that Galatians 2:20 was his ‘life verse’; Chuck replied with his usual wit, that it was his ‘death verse’–death to the defeated life.

The apostle Paul described the message of ‘Christ in you the hope of glory’ as a ‘mystery’, which means it’s not immediately obvious. The prayer of Ephesians chapter one is that the eyes of our heart would be illumined.

One of the ways that we honor our dear Chuck Solomon is to personally appropriate the message of the Cross in our lives and commit ourselves to share the rest of the gospel –not only Christ’s death for us but our co-death with Him– and to trust the risen Jesus Christ to live His life in and through us on a daily basis for God’s glory.

Thank you Chuck for being my friend and mentor. We miss you and look forward to our reunion in heaven some day.

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